Employment law

We offer assistance and advice throughout Germany in all individual and collective employment law issues of relevance to you or your company.

Employment law

Domestic and foreign medium-sized enterprises and company groups make up the majority of our clients.

Our clients include management boards, managing directors and executives. Our expertise encompasses advising on the creation and termination of employment relations, structuring remuneration schemes, and assisting domestic and foreign group companies with all matters of collective employment law.

Due to the close link with the area of acquisitions, we are, of course, also involved in due diligence processes.

Our activities include:

  • Drafting and negotiating employment contracts
  • Terminating employment relations including a risk assessment, negotiating and drafting severance agreements, judicial enforcement
  • Advice on matters of D&O liability, i.e. the liability of managing directors, management boards and executive employees
  • Planning and devising working time and remuneration schemes, including flexibilisation, the drafting of performance-based schemes, and the drafting and implementation of financial participation schemes (including virtual schemes).
  • Assistance with restructuring and operational changes, ranging from negotiating with works councils through to representation in concilliation proceedings
  • Advice on collective employment law in the areas of co-determination, collective agreements, works council elections
  • Advice on matters of employment law relating to acquisitions, the realisation of due diligences, company purchase agreements, transaction-related business transfers and operational changes
  • Planning and structuring occupational pension schemes, including privatisation and advice on new provision schemes

Mr. Hendrik Zeiss will be pleased to assist you in this matter.

Please contact:

Hendrik Zeiss

 Hendrik Zeiss

Rechtsanwalt (German Lawyer), Steuerberater (Certified Tax Advisor)
 +49 211 17257-67

Yvonne Auth

 Fachanwältin für Arbeitsrecht Yvonne Auth

Rechtsanwältin (German Lawyer)
 +49 211 17257-0